Harappan Sculptures

Harappan sculpture revealed a high degree of workmanship. Figurines of children are common find among harappan sculptures.Many children figurines are are actually children nursing at breast of mothers. The position of the figurine is usually a nursing infant situated on the left hip, leaving other arm to do other stuffs of home. Harrapan figures are mostly nude and beautifully ornamented with bracelets, necklaces etc. one toy many figurines have is a small disc which are part of game 'pittu'. Figurines of women are probably are most plentiful figures of harappan civilisation.They are easily distinguished by curving and pear shaped body with large protuding breasts. They are basically two fold emphasizing sexual nature of female and at the same time the nurturing nature.Clothing includes their short skirts, almost every figure was crafted as terracotta but few at the end of civilisation were bronze.Cinnabar was used as cosmetic and face paint ,lipstick etc . Figurines ...